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آرشیو برچسب: review

اشتراک در خبرنامه

چیزهای شفاف: کاشیکاری هزارنقش ولادیمیر نابوکوف

چیزهای شفاف: کاشیکاری هزارنقش ولادیمیر نابوکوف

مسعود بُربُر: ولادیمیر نابوکوف «چیزهای شفاف» را در ۷۳ سالگی و پنج سال پیش از مرگش نوشته است. اثری کوتاه، کمتر مورد توجه واقع شده (نه تنها در زبان فارسی)، اما به باورم یکی از استادانه‌ترین آثارش، اگرچه بسیار دیریاب و سخت‌فهم. سخت‌فهم نه از این جهت که نثرش سخت‌خوان باشد که به هیچ رو این‌گونه نیست، از این جهت ...

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About “The Lakeside” by William Schumpert

Book review by Masoud Borbor: Matt is coming back home, and home here means the hometown he has not seen since childhood. While driving back to River Falls, with sunshine filled memories of a lake side, the weather gets werid: foggy and mysterious, lost in the woods. Everything becomes mysterious and horrific as in a nightmare and everytime you gess ...

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About “Italian Shoes” by Henning Mankell

About “Italian Shoes” by Henning Mankell

A lonely old man lives in an old house on a cold empty Swedish island which is surrounded by waters frozen for most of the year. His only visitor is a postman who has to visit the Island every two days but even this single visitor gets the old narrator bored. But even this castle of loneliness is to be ...

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The Innocents by C. A. Asbrey – A female detective story

The Innocents by C. A. Asbrey – A female detective story

The Innocents by C. A. Asbrey is the story of a gang of outlaws who hold up the trains and steal the safe belonging to the state, leaving the poor and normal people without any harm. Is that the same old familiar Wild West story? No, this time a female detective comes to look for them. And it does not ...

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Last Secret Chamber: A fast paced page-turner

Last Secret Chamber: A fast paced page-turner

Last Secret Chamber by Phil Phillips Book Review by Masoud Borbor Right from the start, you will face shocking conflicts, and with no pause the level of the tension increases so that after reading less than a quarter you will ask yourself what kind of shock could happen next, for God’s sake? And again you will be shocked in less ...

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